My father taught me long ago that if you want to catch fish you need to put your hook where the fish are. That’s why I have devoted time to the ABA Business Law Section. It’s where the folks gather who can benefit from what commercial ADR has to offer.
At the ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco next week, the Business Law Section will congregate up on Nob Hill at the Fairmont and Mark Hopkins hotels. It’s a tough assignment, but someone has to do it, so there I’ll be.
The Dispute Resolution Committee will be offering two CLE programs. The first will address the state of international negotiation, mediation and arbitration, in a program designed to assist transactional attorneys to paper cross-border deals in an informed manner, to protect the value of the deal in the event of cross-cultural disputes. Panelists will include American, Chinese and European attorneys with deep experience in negotiating and enforcing cross-border deals. It is at 2:30 pm Friday August 9 at the Pavilion Room of the Fairmont.
The second panel features Prof. Tom Stipanowich expounding on the recent Cornell/CPR/Pepperdine survey of Fortune 1000 companies, that unexpectedly concluded that take-up for mediation is increasing but that arbitration is disfavored by these companies. Other speakers include current and former corporate counsel for global pharmaceutical, aviation and IP companies, as well as counsel who advise them on dispute resolution provisions of their cross-border agreements. It will be in the Pavilion Room at 10:30 am on Saturday August 10.
The Dispute Resolution Committee of the Business Law Section is growing by leaps and bounds — 79% in the past 12 months alone. Section members can join the Committee for free. All — whether members or not — are welcome to attend its meeting on Saturday August 10 at 1:00 pm in the Vanderbilt Room of the Fairmont. Those who can’t attend in person are welcome to call in and monitor the session: (866) 646-6488, passcode 319-947-3460.