Conflict Resolution|Ethics|Mediation|Teaching

Licensing Mediators — ABA DR IV

Conflict Resolution|Ethics|Mediation|Teaching

Licensing Mediators — ABA DR IV

At the Miami ABA Dispute Resolution Conference, James Coban, Janice Fletcher, Art Hinshaw and Susan Yates addressed the provocative topic, “Cosmetologists Are Licensed, Why Aren’t Mediators?” Ms. Yates, of Resolution Systems Institute, clarified some terms of art for the sake of the discussion.  “Credentialing” is the big umbrella, the widest term. ...



Moral Aspects of Mediation — ABA DR III


Moral Aspects of Mediation — ABA DR III

David Hoffman from the Boston Law Collaborative offered a program at the ABA Dispute Resolution Section Spring Meeting on “Mediator as Moral Witness: Right and Wrong.”  The question presented was: What happens when moral issues arise in the course of a mediation?  And, according to Hoffman, they always do. ...



International Views of Mediator Ethics


International Views of Mediator Ethics

In Houston, UIA World Mediation Forum Co-President Thierry Garby moderated a panel on mediator ethics.  Speakers included Claude Amar, President of the French Academy of Mediators; Trey Bergman of Houston; Jim Lawrence of the University of Houston Law Center; and Patrick van Leynseele of Dal & Veldekens, Brussels....


Conflict Resolution|Ethics|Mediation|Teaching

Ethical Questions for Mediators

Conflict Resolution|Ethics|Mediation|Teaching

Ethical Questions for Mediators

The Marie L. Garibaldi American Inn of Court for ADR is the first (and so far the only) Inn of Court devoted expressly to the practice of arbitration, mediation and other non-judicial means of dispute resolution.  Located in New Jersey, it gathers, on a monthly basis, the upper echelon of retired and...


Ethics|United States

New Apps! New Tech! New Ethics?

Ethics|United States

New Apps! New Tech! New Ethics?

An attorney keeps her client files on the hard drive of her laptop.  These files include confidential and sensitive client information, and attorney-client communications.  Leaving a dentist appointment, she discovers that her car's windows have been smashed and that the property inside the car -- including her GPS and her laptop -- have been...



Attorney Disqualification: Arbitration


Attorney Disqualification: Arbitration

Two recent court decisions have bubbled through the cyber-community of ListServes and blogs.  Both address attorney disqualification -- one in the context of a mediation and the other in the context of an arbitration.  The latter is featured here and the former will be described in a subsequent posting. In Northwestern...
