The ABA Business Law Section has about 50 substantive committees, many of which include subcommittees addressing dispute resolution in their field. In the past several months, many members of these various entities undertook a collaborative effort to “cut across the solos.” The result is a unique new volume titled ADR Deskbook for the Business Lawyer: A Cross-Disciplinary Workbook.
An introduction by immediate past ABA President Paulette Brown sets the tone by encouraging the increased use of “forms of mediation and arbitration that return us to the essential, direct and straightforward way of helping clients do business efficiently.” Chapters include studies of dispute resolution methods in employment (Hugh Christie and Joe Semo), Bankruptcy and Restructuring (Timothy Bow, Howard Brownstein, Jerry Markowitz and Scott Stuart), Mergers and Acquisitions (John Levitske and Steve Knee), Family Business Divorce (Steve Knee), IP (Kristine Dorrain, Sandra Partridge and Ryan Isenberg), Public Infrastructure Projects (Deborah Mastin), Futures and Derivatives (William Nissen and Louis Burke); Sports (Richard Pound); and proceedings under the innovative Delaware Rapid Arbitration Act. (Blake Rohrbacher).
Authoritative legal associations such as the American Bar Association often attract gifted minds that too seldom confer with each other. I was honored to be trusted by these terrific authors to edit and contribute to this book, and hope that future editions include chapters from more and more fields of business law.