Conflict Resolution|systems design

Contract Drafting for Dispute Management

Conflict Resolution|systems design

Contract Drafting for Dispute Management

There are a lot of great resources out there to assist transactional lawyers in planning dispute protocols and protecting the value of the deal. Why are there still so many clumsy (even pathological) contract clauses? Perhaps this article can be of some help....


Conflict Resolution|Mediation|Teaching

ADR Center's Conference Is A Big Success

Conflict Resolution|Mediation|Teaching

ADR Center's Conference Is A Big Success

The word is that folks don't travel for conferences any more, that expenses are cut and attendance is down.  You wouldn't have known it by stopping by the 2009 Annual Conference of the Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution in Greenbelt, Maryland, June 18-19....


Arbitration|Conflict Resolution|International|Mediation|Teaching

Teaching International Dispute Resolution

Arbitration|Conflict Resolution|International|Mediation|Teaching

Teaching International Dispute Resolution

This Fall I will be an Adjunct Professor at New York Law School, teaching International Commercial Dispute Resolution.  I have outlined what I want to present, and I'm now reviewing casebooks and other materials to create a detailed syllabus.  It's fun and challenging -- and also quite thought-provoking!...


Conflict Resolution|Employment|Mediation

Neutral Selection: Diversity or Discrimination?

Conflict Resolution|Employment|Mediation

Neutral Selection: Diversity or Discrimination?

Maria Volpe's exceptional ListServe has recently been embroiled in a mighty brouhaha.  The group discussion raised intriguing issues that merit a broader debate.  When, if ever, is it proper to require that a neutral be of a certain age, sex, race or creed?  Or to require that the neutral not...


Conflict Resolution|Employment|systems design

What NOT To Do in Managing Employment Disputes

Conflict Resolution|Employment|systems design

What NOT To Do in Managing Employment Disputes

This article first appeared in HR Magazine, September 2004. What is the road map to failure in managing employment disputes?  Here are ten easy-to-remember lessons on how to not just confront disaster, but ensure it and embrace it! ...
