Peter Kaskell died on December 12, 2019. He was a dear friend whom I met at the CPR Institute and who taught me not just the delicate arts of demand-led commercial dispute management, but the even more delicate arts of humility, service and attention to others' needs. At the age...
Tag Archives: conflict management
I am pleased to report that Business Conflict Management has been the subject of two valued instances of recognition. First, I am pleased to advise that I am the honoree of the James B. Boskey Award as “2018 ADR Practitioner of the Year.” The Dispute Resolution Section of the New Jersey...
The James F. Henry Speaker Series at New York Law School's ADR Skills Program will offer its third event of the year on Wednesday, November 15, 2017, when CPR President Noah Hanft joins panelists Greg Gallopoulos (GC of General Dynamics) and Prof. Joan Stearns Johnsen to discuss how vital commercial...
Prof. Marjorie Silver of Touro Law Center writes to say: We are pleased to announce the publication of Professor Marjorie Silver’s new book: Transforming Justice, Lawyers, and the Practice of Law (Marjorie A. Silver, ed., Carolina Academic Press). Transforming Justice, Lawyers and the Practice of Law is a collection of writings by participants in...
For many years, a tempest has surrounded public policy approaches to consumer protection, largely implicating three utterly inapt legal constructs: FRCP 23, the Federal Arbitration Act, and traditional principles of contract formation. Accustomed to managing customer complaints but unwilling to expose themselves to the coercion of class actions, companies have...
Lincoln famously wrote: “As a peacemaker the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man.” Without challenging this proposition, I have often wondered to what extent lawyers are uniquely positioned to achieve “goodness,” or to do “good” for others. Don’t teachers also have a “superior opportunity” to do...
We have previously noted the series of convenings under the auspices of the International Mediation Institute, Herbert Smith Freehills, and others, under the title "Global Pound Conference." The first was held in Singapore in March of this year, and a formal report on the proceedings, as well as a analysis...