I have been importuned by the ABA Dispute Resolution Section to remind readers of its upcoming Spring Meeting in Miami,Florida on April 2-5, 2014. And who better to be importuned by? It is a great organization and the Spring Meeting has been "the place to see and be seen" since...
The International Bar Association has been responsible for several definitive guidelines to assist practitioners in international arbitration. These include the 2010 Guide for Drafting International Arbitration Agreements, the 2010 Rules for Taking of Evidence, and the 2004 Guide on Conflicts of Interest. To this we now add the IBA Guidelines on...
Michael Leathes, a founder of the International Mediation Institute and former in-house counsel of high accomplishment, has written to correct our immediately prior post: Regarding the penultimate para, actually there are examples of deal mediations out there. In fact, we have a little section on the IMI portal devoted to this...
It sometime sometimes seems that the community of business lawyers is divided into two broad tribes: The lawyers who handle the deals, and the lawyers who handle what happens when the deals fall apart. Unfortunately, these two tribes too seldom mix. They don’t go to the same ABA meetings, their...