Conflict Resolution|Mediation

ABA Dispute Resolution Section Annual Mediation and Advocacy Institute

A reminder was recently received of the ABA Dispute Resolution Section’s 11th Annual Advanced Mediation and Advocacy Institute at the Omni Hotel in Nashville, TN, on November 21-22, 2013.

Says Marnie Huff, the co-Chair:

The Institute is designed for litigators, mediators, judges and in-house counsel. Click here to register.

Each plenary panel features an expert mediator, a high-powered in-house counsel or judge, and a skilled outside counsel.  Break-out session discussions are facilitated by leading mediators.

 Learn from Experienced Practitioners 

  • Proper drafting of a mediation agreement and retention letter
  • Proper use of risk analysis
  • Emotional and psychological issues in mediation
  • How and when to use an apology
  • Ethical dilemmas
  • Developing and marketing a dispute resolution practice
  • Advanced techniques for adding value

What past participants have said …

“It is one of the most worthwhile programs I have attended in the nearly 40 years I have been in this business.”

“The Faculty are excellent, and the opportunity for advocates and mediators to interact in small facilitated groups made this and exceptional and valuable program for mediators and advocates alike.”

“Excellent format. Produced a broad range of perspectives and experiences. Very valuable!”

Note: This program has a limited capacity of participants. Once the capacity is reached, individuals will be placed on a waiting list in case of cancellations.

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