Conflict Resolution

ABA Dispute Resolution Section Meets April 7-10

Conflict Resolution

ABA Dispute Resolution Section Meets April 7-10

Every year I submit a program to the ABA Dispute Resolution Section, and every year when I get there I am flabbergasted by the breadth, depth, focus, energy and sheer numbers at the Annual Conference.  My first was 1998, in Boston, and by now the thing has plumb gone wild. ...


Arbitration|United States

CPR Weighs In on the Arbitration Fairness Act

Arbitration|United States

CPR Weighs In on the Arbitration Fairness Act

The International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR Institute) has very seldom taken a position in amicus briefs or on pending legislation.  But its Board of Directors recently posted a "to voice out concern over the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2009."  When the Sphinx speaks I guess we'd better...



New Feature: International Mediation Resources


New Feature: International Mediation Resources

My periodic attendance at the UIA's World Mediation Forum, as well as the opportunity to attend the Chamonix Conference last April and the contacts and friendships I made while serving the CPR Institute for ten years, have all prompted the creation of a "Directory" of ADR organizations around the world.  This...


Conflict Resolution

ADR Needs More Diversity

Conflict Resolution

ADR Needs More Diversity

I'm a 60-year old white guy, two years into the terrifying challenge of building a solo practice as a mediator/arbitrator.  And the gist of this post is that more women and people of color need to be hired as neutrals.  I worked hard for this goal when I was Senior Vice President...



Can You Recognize When You're Being "Reality Tested"?


Can You Recognize When You're Being "Reality Tested"?

NOTE:  The following text will appear as a chapter in a mediator skills volume to be published soon by the International Bar Association, edited by mediator Patricia Barclay of Bonaccord Ecosse Limited, in Edinburgh, Scotland.                 Reality testing is the technique of inviting a party to adjust his perceptions of the claim. ...
