
The Law of Damages and Our Spiritual Traditions


The Law of Damages and Our Spiritual Traditions

It's my turn to teach First Day School (what Quakers call Sunday School) for the past few weeks.  And as usual I'm having more fun than the kids are.  The King James Version of the Bible has been a favorite ever since I took Prof. Bond's course on "The Bible...



Mediation Confidentiality Meets Attorney Malpractice


Mediation Confidentiality Meets Attorney Malpractice

While working for a company, a guy opens up a competing business and lures away customers.  He is sued by his employer for fraud and breach of fiduciary duty.  Prior to trial he participates in a mediation, that is unsuccessful.  At trial he loses and is found liable for $364,000 in...



Understanding Interests Means Adding Value


Understanding Interests Means Adding Value

I told my wife that I wanted to do the following exercise with my 50-person ADR survey class at New York Law School: "Find a partner and face each other.  Touch your palms together about face-level and then grasp each other's hand.  The person who can get the other person's hand past their...


Conflict Resolution|systems design

Theory Becomes Practice: A Project with Built-In Conflict Prevention

Conflict Resolution|systems design

Theory Becomes Practice: A Project with Built-In Conflict Prevention

From the invaluable BASESwiki comes news of just the development I and others have pounded the table about:  A long-term project that features a formal and permanent "canary-in-the-mine" that identifies and addresses problems early on, and successfully prevents conflicts....



Arbitrator Selection: How About a Compatible Personality?


Arbitrator Selection: How About a Compatible Personality?

Peter L. Michaelson is an attorney specializing in intellectual property, and an arbitrator and mediator of very substantial experience.  He also enjoys cruises to Alaska, which may characterize his "beyond-the-boundaries" attitude when it comes to adding value to clients of ADR processes.  (Pete Michaelson's photo of an Alaskan buffalo, sauntering in...


Conflict Resolution|International|Mediation|systems design

In March, Virginia is for [ADR] Lovers

Conflict Resolution|International|Mediation|systems design

In March, Virginia is for [ADR] Lovers

Two interesting conferences will take place in Virginia during the month of March -- one focusing on investor-state dispute prevention and the other on a variety of challenges and opportunities faced by Virginia mediators....
