Conflict Resolution|United States

New Holiday Proposed

Conflict Resolution|United States

New Holiday Proposed

Thanksgiving is one of the most popular holidays of the year for Americans.  It is also culturally becoming.  We are encouraged to pause and reflect on what we have received, especially from those no longer at the table.  (There are, as always, other ways to look at it -- Ayn Rand famously called it a typical...


Arbitration|Conflict Resolution|Employment

Arbitrating Employment Disputes: Misusing a Valuable Tool? Part II

Arbitration|Conflict Resolution|Employment

Arbitrating Employment Disputes: Misusing a Valuable Tool? Part II

The first part of this post analogized the use of arbitration to resolve employee disputes to using a wood chisel to smash a boulder -- the wrong tool for the job.  At its conclusion I said that, sympathetic as I am to employees, it was the effect on chisel, not the rock, that...


Arbitration|Employment|United States

Arbitrating Employment Disputes: Misusing a Valuable Tool? Part I

Arbitration|Employment|United States

Arbitrating Employment Disputes: Misusing a Valuable Tool? Part I

One hot, lonely summer day in 1958, at our rural home near Crozet, Virginia, I was working on an 8-year old's project: dislodging a big quartz rock that was buried in the gravel driveway.  After a few hours I realized the trowel just wouldn't do the job.  So I found a wood...
